Best practices in beer labeling

Friday, 03 June 2022 at 11:00 AM

By Emmanuel Large and Benoit Ginestet (DGCCRF)

Properly labeling your beers is of paramount importance. As much to help the sale as to give the consumer a maximum of information concerning the origin and the quality of its products. In France, the labelling of beers is legally regulated by the modified decree 92-307, whose implementation and control is ensured by the Direction Générale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Répression des Fraudes. Each year, the DGCCRF carries out numerous controls on producers, controls which allow to draw up an inventory of the good and bad practices of the operators. A reminder of the mistakes not to be made by the 4C Office in charge of beers within the DGCCRF.

DGCCRF - Conférencier BRADIS

The organization of the General Directorate of Competition, Consumption and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) is articulated around a central administration, services with national competence and territorial services. Attached to the central administration of the DGCCRF, Bureau 4C covers products of plant origin, inputs and beverages. It is organized with a manager and inspectors in charge of the different product categories.
Emmanuel Large has headed the 4C Office since 2019. Within the "alcoholic beverages" division, Benoit Ginestet is in charge of beers, cider, and flavored wine products.